1. Introduction

1.1. Description

Seatmap.pro allows one to create, edit, and store schemes of concert halls, stadiums, clubs, theatres, and other venues.

1.2. Schemes Editor Features

  • Quick drawing of seat rows

  • Moving and deleting selected rows and seats

  • Adding rows and seats to created sections

  • Tilting, warping, and stretching seat rows

  • Import vector objects from SVG

  • Linking vector objects to entry zones and seat rows

  • Export scheme to SVG

1.3. Technical Requirements

To work with seatmap.pro application use Google Chrome browser.

2. Quick Start

2.1. Adding a Venue

Click "Create Venue".

no venues

In the "Create Venue" window that opens, enter the name and address of the venue. The point on the map will be updated at the same time. Click "Create".

create venue
Entering the address shows it on the map

2.2. Creating a Schema

Click on the name of the venue in the list on the left, then click "New Schema".

select venue

The new schema editing screen will open.

empty schema
In the left bottom you may see a black keyboard icon. If you hover over it, you will see a list of useful keyboard shortcuts. For example, Ctrl + Z cancels the last action you performed.
Important shortcuts

3. Sections and Seats

3.1. Creating Sections

Select the "Seat Rows" tool on the toolbar.

add rows button
Seat Rows tool

Hold down the left mouse button and drag the pointer. You will see a rectangle with the specified number of rows and seats that will be created after releasing the mouse button.

draw rows
Creating a section
If you started drawing a section and changed your mind, reduce the rectangular selection to a state where the number of rows and seats is not displayed. After releasing the mouse button, the section will not be created.
If the required number of rows or seats does not fit on the screen when stretching the rectangle, first reduce the scale of the schema.

After creating a section, you can move it with the mouse, rename it, or apply transformations (rotation, vertical shift, etc.)

new sector
Completed section

3.2. Editing a Section

Selecting a section will cause the sidebar to appear. In this sidebar, you are able to

  • rename the section

  • regulate row number labels

  • regulate outline settings

  • align rows left, right or centre

  • add extra rows to the top or to the bottom

  • transform the section

  • commit basic actions (vertical and horizontal flip, cloning and deleting the selected section).

All availavle actions from the sidebar

Section outlining is disabled by default. Enabling this parametre allows to regulate the size of the outlined area (padding), font size and position of the section title.

Outline settings are inside the red box

You can also aplly transformations to a section. Section may be rotated, curved or stretched easily — simply enter the required value or use the slider on the right. To learn about "Venue Shape" setting, please pay attention to the next part of this manual.

Highlighted settings regulate form of the section

3.3. Shaping a Venue and Transforming a Section

The shape of a venue is off by default. To enable this setting, switch to the "Venue Shape" mode in the toolbar. In the sidebar that opens click "Configure Venue Shape" to regulate its position, corner radius and dimensions. You also may see the same button under other section transormation settings.

Creating a round shape of the venue

After venue shaping is done, get back to the schema editing mode by selecting it on the toolbar. Then select the section and select one of four options: to leave "Venue Shape" disabled (which means you will have to position the section manually), or to position the section beyond the venue shape, inside it and to align it centre regarding the venue border.

Section outside the venue shape
Section aligned centre to venue border
Section inside the venue shape

This setting helps to save your time in attempts to regulate the size of a section and the degree of its bend, allowing to create your schemas nice and accurate.

3.4. Editing Seats in a Section

To delete, add, and move seats inside a section, you need to switch to the section editing mode. To do this, double-click the section or select the section and click "Edit Seats".

sector edit
Moving seats in a section
To delete some seats from the section, you may reassign them to another section and then delete it. To do this, use "Extract Seats" tool.
You can also add seats to a selected row in a sidebar.

To exit the section editing mode, click on the cross next to the section name in the upper right corner of the workspace.

close sector view
Leaving section editing mode

3.5. Seats and Rows Numbering

In the section editing mode, selecting each seat will open a window in which seat and row number may be changed manually. However, more comfortable and fast way of numbering is to use "Number Seats" tool. Select necessary seats and click "Number Seats" in the toolbar.

You can select not only seats, but also entire rows. To do this, use "Select Rows" tool.
select rows
Selecting entire rows. On the right — manual numbering bar

In "Number Seats" window that opens you are able to range rows and seats numbers as well as the direction of their allocation. Click "Apply Numbering" to confirm the settings.

number seats
Regulating "Number Seats" settings
"Number seats" tool allows to assign either row or seat number. To regulate this setting, use checkboxes on the left.

Manually-added seats are not automatically assigned to any row. Do not forget to number them as well.

changed nums
Changed numeration. On the left — unassigned seats

4. Adding Entrance Zones, Stages and Other Objects

In order to display the listed objects, you need to upload an underlay prepared in any vector editor (Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, Sketch, Figma) in SVG format. To do this, switch to the underlay mode by clicking the "Underlay" button in the toolbar.

Both SVG import and export are available

After loading the underlay, it usually needs to be adjusted to the schema.

In the underlay mode, dragging the mouse in the workspace causes the underlay to shift relative to the drawn sections.

Dragging the mouse up or down with the Shift key held down allows you to increase or decrease the size of the underlay, adjusting it to the desired size.

If the underlay has just to be drawn, and there are sections drawn in the schema, then

  • export the schema to SVG;

  • in the graphics editor, draw the necessary objects, focusing on seats location;

  • in the graphics editor, delete the seats;

  • export the image created in the graphics editor to SVG;

  • load the underlay and, if necessary, move it so that it is positioned correctly.

5. Finishing a Schema

5.1. Saving a Schema

Make sure that the schema has the correct name, change it if necessary in the right panel, and click the "Save" button on the toolbar.

Don’t forget to save the changes you make.

If you want to cancel unsaved actions, refresh the browser page.

5.2. Publishing a Schema

Initially, the schemes have the "Draft" status. This allows you to save the intermediate result of the work. When the schema is complete, it can be published.

If you don’t see the block for editing the schema name or publication, you are probably in section editing mode or you have selected objects on the schema. Exit the section editing mode, or reset the current selection by clicking outside of it.